What is a Gaelscoil?
An Irish-medium school or ‘gaelscoil’ is a national school in which everything is done through Irish, and which uses the immersion education method (explained below). Irish-medium schools are funded by the State under the same conditions as other national schools, and follow the standard primary school curriculum. Irish-medium schools welcome children from every linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic background.
Irish-medium schools are run by various school patrons. The patron is the authority in charge of school management. Patrons provide guidance and support for school principals and boards of management, and the patron is responsible for the promotion of the school’s ethos. A school’s religious ethos is determined by its patron. ScoilnagCeithreMáistrí is a Catholic school, we celebrate our sacraments and our ethos is laid out in our vision statement where we welcome every child those of different faiths and those of none.