TFC/ICT in Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
While teaching and learning are at the heart of what we do in Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí, the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is at the heart of our teaching and learning. Over the past 20 years ICT has transformed the way teaching and learning is planned, delivered and assessed giving an invaluable tool to our teachers and pupils.
ICT integrated in the daily life of children in Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí greatly enhances what, why, where when and how they learn, be it through the use of instructive software such as “Teach my Monster to Read” to collaborative software such as “Google Docs” to edutainment websites such as “News2Day”.
ICT has always featured strongly in the Gaelscoil since its foundation in 1990. Taking over the original Education Centre premises at The Hermitage the school inherited a fully equipped computer room with “high-speed internet” as it was at the time – the old ISDN lines!
What the school has now really is light years from then with pupils having daily access on an individual basis to Chromebooks and/or iPads accessing Fibre Broadband over wifi throughout the school. With lessons presented on state-of-the-art interactive whiteboards using laptops with the latest i5/i7 processors the only ingredient left to add is the imagination and creativity of pupils and teachers to see just how far we can go!
Of course, pervading all use of such technologies is the over-arching awareness of internet and device safety – and not just in terms of nastiness that unfortunately the internet can present but also in terms of appropriate use of technologies, knowing when to use it and when to shut it down. ICT in Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí is most definitely seen, used and appreciated as a tool – not a toy and not a teacher – to optimise the benefit, when and if needed, for the best teaching and learning we can provide.