Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
(Gaelscoil Átha Luain)
Fáilte go Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
Ráiteas Físe Our Vision
Timpealacht thaithneamhach shábhailte deá eagraithe, inár féidir leis na páistí inár gcúram forbairt go huile is go hiomlán, go spioradálta, go spioradálta, go fisciúil, go cultúrtha agus go hintleachtúil. Is é ár gcuspóir an timpeallacht agus an fás seo a chothú trí mhéan na Gaeilge agus é a dhaingniú sa bprionsabal Chriostúil, ar bhealach go n-aitheofaí múinteoirí agus scoláirí mar dhaoine iontu féin lena gcuid buanna fé leith.
An Gaelscolaíocht
Cén fáth go bpiocfá Gaelscoil?
Why a Gaelscoil?
Find their passion, teach an understanding of reciprocity, and instill a sense of global citizenship.
Céard is Gaelscoil ann?/What is a Gaelscoil?
An Irish-medium school or ‘gaelscoil’ is a national school in which everything is done through Irish.
Níos Mó/MoreTomoideachas/Immersion Education
Immersion education is a system which helps children to become fluent in Irish naturally.
Níos Mó/MoreCúrsaí Sláinte/Current Health Issues
Eolas tábhachtach faoi cúrsaí sláinte na linne seo/Important health information regarding the current issues
Níos Mó/MoreSupporting Students with Special Educational Needs
The same supports are made available to children with special educational needs (SEN).
Níos Mó/More Cláraigh do pháiste i Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
Enrol Your Child in Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí
Glao orainn/Call us - 090 6465794 or visit us to enrol your child in the school.
Our Teachers
Experienced Teachers

Olivia Robert
Maputo, Africa

Olivia Robert
Maputo, Africa

Olivia Robert
Maputo, Africa

Olivia Robert
Maputo, Africa
So that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.
There’s even magic in our motivation: our unblinking belief that we can eradicae childhood disease — so that one day, like magic, children will no longer need us.
By enrolling in the Four Bear Program, Hub guarantees you will graduate in four years with a bachelor’s degree. Discover the global city—filled with inspiration, opportunities to explore.
Marrion Miller
From Pricinpal Desk