Fáilte go Rang 5 Niall!
Cuairt ón Order of Malta!
Turas chuig Teach na mBocht!
Order of Malta
Order Of Malta
Teach na mBocht
Day in the life of Rang 5! Obair 'is ag spraoi go díon!
Ár Nuacht!
Lá le Rang 5!
- Fuaireamar Pen Pals ó Nua Eabhrac ag tús Mí Dheireadh Fomhair. Táimid ar bís faoi! Faoi láthair tá Rang 5 ag deanamh a ndícheall chun rith ó Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí go Nua Eabhrac!
We have recently received PenPals from New York at the beginning of November! Along with writing our letters, we have also decided to run from Scoil na gCeithre Máistrí to New York – over 5000km away!!
- Le déanaí bhí cuairteanna againn ó na Ghardaí, Order of Malta agus Energia Ireland! Bhíomar ag labhairt faoi sábhailteacht thar Oíche Shamhna, an post atá ag Order of Malta agus an aeráid ‘is conas chun cabhrú leis!
Before the midterm break we had visits from the Gardaí regarding safety at Halloween, the Order of Malta who discussed their jobs and how they help voluntarily and Energia Ireland who discussed climate change!
- Ba mhaith linn comhghairdeas a rá chuig foireann peil na gcáilíní a bhuaigh a chéad cluiche Cumann na mBunscoil! Maith sibh cailíní!!
We would like to congratulate the girls football team who won their first Cumann na mBunscoil fixture! Well done to all involved!!